Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Sunday, November 20, 2005

You see, I am a seven-year old girl writing poetry

I'm pretty bad with a lot of basic gammer rules. I violate them in writing and more often in speech. My infinitives are split, my gerunds don't compliment anything, my bus ride ends in Prepositionville.

Having taken the high ground because I admit a grammer deficiency (see how I justify?): every time I read "You see..." as the big change up, the transition into "Here's the reveal," my head explodes. It's like writing your wedding vows and having them rhyme.

You see, it was me who was that little boy. You see, big government owes me money because geese fly. You see, I've never read anything other than Hack Writers magazine and cannot stop writing "you see."

This ain't rocketry. No crisis is solved and I'm not helping humanity. It's just one of those things ("anywayS" is a close second today) that gets my goat.

Too grumpy for a Sunday? We'll see.


At 11:47 AM, Blogger feminist chick said...

Ha! Having such explosive opinions on grammer is why you rock so hard (or it's why we're both dorks, but definitely one or the other).

"Irregardless" is mine. Usage should be grounds for justifiable homicide. Well, anyways...

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...

Yeah, "irregardless" is probably my favorite, too.

I can't say much. Grammar is definitely not my strength. Vocabulary is fun though, I love my Merriam-Webster "Word Of The Day."

I need remedial grammar training. Somebody oughtta do something. Maybe a "Grammar Screw-up of the Day."

Yeah, that'd fix all my problems.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Mir said...

But "irregardless" has made the dictionary!!

My new issues are with regional pronunciations... saw-l instead of saw, heighth instead of height.

Stop adding letters! Gosh!

At 9:10 AM, Blogger sweetassgrandma said...

"Pink is the new Blog" has a posting today regarding "irregardless."

Trent agrees that it is a word basing his arguement on the movie "Mean Girls."

I agree with him because the movie sets the standard for grammer utilizing phrases such as "That's so fetch" and "You really out-gayed yourself."

Maybe we should all take the advice of a random girl in the movie who said, "I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat it and be happy" -- even if it means having bad grammer.


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