Bird in the hand
From a report on Brad Bird accepting the Tex Avery Animation Award:
"One of the girls had him sign a full frame Incredibles DVD. I could see Brad just wince in pain. He took this girl aside and literally went into why she should only buy widescreens and never full frame and gave her examples of it."
Maybe we convert these people one at a time. Sounds snobby, I bet "No! You must see all my artestry the way I intended you to view it for I am beautiful!" but really, what other medium do take the content, take away more than half, and have it sell? I go to the Raphael exhibit but I make sure I get some cataracts before I walk in.
Bryan and Justin, check me on my snobbery here: Am I off on this? I always feel like I get dirty looks...
Errrmm. No.
Uh, not entirely. Here's the deal. I have a medium size tv and terrible eyesight. A widescreen presentation on my tv would require an electron microscope to appreciate fully.
That said, artistically, the (C)reator has every right to expect that his/her work will be viewed precisely as he intended it. But at times, the market just isn't there with the creator technologically.
Widescreen is an example. Stereo/THX/Whatever sound is another. HD is yet another.
There's no doubt that things are lost in translation, and the artist should try to do everything he/she can to make things suit his/her vision.
However, it benefits (but does not behoove) the creator to meet the audience halfway.
Until we achieve our beloved totalitarian state, and the citizens are issued their government-standard videoboxes in exchange for their food credits, there will be translation of works. And something will be lost.
Oh, and to answer your question (duh).
It's absolutely not snobbery.
Abridged books on CD?
I just listen to mp3 reviews up abridged CDs. Alright, they're wav files.
I don't feel snobby, just... something. Widescreen is such an easy choice to me: I get the content the way I should get it. My TV is avearge size, a 27" Sony, my stereo is subpar. I can get everything I need to get as close to the experience my tech allows.
I don't buy a lot of hardcover books since they cost more than the paperback. The paperback doesn't change the content, I don't miss whole paragraphs and details. I dunno.
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