Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Can't seem to recall

Remember when this dumb blog had some regularity? Ah, that was the September. How about interesting things? That's right, it was never interesting.

We hit the second business fair in two weeks and it's just put us behind.

I'll update on the knee: getting better. Not doing as much as I'd like, but my short (like thirty feet) runs with the dogs have no discomfort.

If you like good writing, good sports writing, or running I encourage you to pick up the issue of Runner's World that's on the stands now. It's their annual "heroes" issue. Running isn't a high dollar, well attended sport, but, next to baseball, it's got the best stories of inspiration and triump.

There's a very well written, smart piece about Willie McCool, the pilot of Shuttle Columbia. He was a long distance runner, among other things. The shuttle wreckage has been pretty well examined at this point, and we all know that a piece of foam broke off during liftoff caused the fatal damage.

NASA's official report is inconclusive, but one of the theories, according to NASA investigator Jim Clark (whose wife Laurel also died on the shuttle) is Willie McCool, who knew death was inevitable and imminent, was at the stick trying to manually manuver Columbia out of it's death spiral.

Jim Clark is quoted as saying that what McCool did in his last moments as the shuttle pitched and spun towards Earth was "A very big deal."

I really want to go for a run.


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