Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Friday, October 21, 2005

TV is bad?

Parents Television Council had this to say about my favorite show, apparently the ninth of ten "worst shows" on TV:

"9. Arrested Development

Fox/ 8:00 Monday - Returning show

Arrested Development is the story of the Bluth family. The show picks up when George Sr. is arrested for securities fraud and his son Michael is left to pick up the pieces of the family and their business.

Arrested Development is designed to offend. Episodes regularly contain scripted bleeps. This enables the writers to use language, including "f**k" and "s**t," network censors would never allow. Arrested Development also employs some of the most outrageous double-entendres ever to find their way into prime-time. In one episode, for example, Tobias says he was an analyst and a therapist, making him the first "analrapist." Other episodes have delved into the bizarre sexual proclivities of the main characters, such as Lucille's revelation that she and George derive sexual pleasure from being strangled with a belt."

Hmmm... I guess I WON'T let my kids watch this. Though if they did, maybe it'd help the ratings...

The "best" show on TV right now? The one that in no way panders, manipulates, or ever comes across as insincere? Why it's this guy:

"1. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

ABC/8:00 Sunday - Returning show

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is an excellent example of a constructive and uplifting reality TV show. Unlike other reality series that emphasize and exploit contestants' worst qualities (greed, dishonesty, vanity, etc.), this inspiring program showcases charity and selflessness.

Each week carpenter Ty Pennington and a crew of designers, contractors, and workmen completely renovate the home of a deserving family. Already this season the team has helped the family of Master Sergeant Luis Rodriguez, who lost half of his right leg while serving in Iraq; the Barretts, who adopt and raise children deemed "un-adoptable" by the Colorado Department of Human Services; and Colleen Nick, whose daughter Morgan was abducted ten years ago, and who, while working tirelessly to find her daughter, also educates other parents about preventing child abduction. Besides highlighting the good works for families in need, the program also features local companies that often donate funds to establish scholarships for the young children in these struggling families, ensuring they have a chance at a better future. This series is a breath of fresh air and a television rarity."

I'm all about folks doing stuff for folks, but watching this show makes me want to flip over to "Funniest Home Videos" where at least the nut shots are genuine. And don't exploit people and money http://www.realitytvworld.com/index/articles/story.php?s=2552 http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040701/news_1n1exside.html http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2004/05/tax_consequence.html

But, you know, "it makes me feel good!"

Bullsscriptedbleept. Fscriptedbleepkwads.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is 100% emotional pornography.

Sad story. Tearful hugs. Cut to Sears commercial. Charity should be given without an expectation of a return. This is charity-for-hire. Another synonym for this is prostitution.
The other thing that drives me nuts about this show: Instead of a Habitat-For-Humanity (which is a terrific organization) focused effort, the show quickly degrades into "Pimp My House." Single handicapped parents with 48 kids in a rundown neighborhood are suddenly surrounded by 60" plasmas. I hope their new house comes with an alarm system, guard towers, and sentry guns.
This is a game show, nothing less. Whoever has the worst life, wins. This show poses as positive documentary, but in reality guarantees that the audience stays sitting on their ass, wiping away a tear, and smugly believing that they helped do something meaningful for someone else. Christian acts by association. Do I sound like this bugs me? Do I sound bugged?

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...


And Arrested Development is hilarious. No, I won't let my kids watch it.


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