Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Forbes Fictional Fifteen Fraud


Alriht, there's a newer list which I also disagree with, primarily Scrooge being so far DOWN the list. Luthor passing Bruce Wayne, well, sure, it's Luthor. He's evil.

But Scrooge is Scrooge. He swims in his money. He reads yesterday's paper because he's too cheap to buy today's. He went without the love of his life because it would've distracted him from becoming the World's Wealthiest Duck. C'mon, he's Scrooge.


Thisshows the top fifteen wealthiest fictional characters. This list is very wrong. There is absolutely no way Richie Rich is wealthier than Scrooge McDuck. I'm a little fuzzy with a couple (Willy Wonka over Bruce Wayne?) but there's no way Richie Rich has more than Scrooge. Not only is Scrooge "The Man" he has THREE CUBIC ACRES OF MONEY. In a bin. That he swims in.

That is all.


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