Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Monday, December 05, 2005


Continuing our trend for the past three weeks: God hates me. Or Yaweh. Or L. Ron Hubbard.

Lemme back up.

We do DVD/CD creation in addition to the 50 million other things we do. And normally this is by "hand," manually swapping out discs into the computer then printer. Last week we got our duplication station (which cost about twice as much as our van).

"Duplicate up to 100 CDs in like, minutes! And then print on them! With the same deal! Woo hoo!" Which is awesome and we used one dupe job to pay for it (and took the hit on the money earning).

Set it up, tested five CDs, started the process, danced a little jig. First disc duped, printed, and tested to perfection. And the second one. And the thrid on... wait, the print quality is wors... oh, and the fourth is even worse.

Smash cut to today: we have all 600 blank DVDs, all 5000 blank CDs, 5000 white sleeves, and a bum printer cartridge. I coulda drawn the story out, but I'm pressed for time. Printing DVDs by hand. Well, in a printer.


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