Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Love you in the Fall

Unattainable love? Check. Taking a cliched lyric and turning it upside down? Check. Metaphor for life/death/regret? Check.

New Paul Westerberg.

It's almost too 14 Songs. Almost too much production, but it's THE big make-or-break movie for Sony animation. I can understand why as a business move you make it a little more universal/family friendly.

If ONE person gets into The Replacements because of the soundtrack, I'll be stoked. If there's one snippet I enjoy as much as "seasons change before me/after me there'll be someone new" I'll be stoked.

Some six year-old is going to hear music from the man who flipped off my girlfriend. Punk'd.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger Mir said...

I head it yesterday for the first time on the new Paste sampler. I wasn't looking at the tracks and I thought, "hmm, why do I like this song so much?"

Now we know.

Does this mean I have to actually buy the soundtrack? Do I? Really?

Probably, yeah.


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