Flea and Tech check
The VT shoot was really fun. It's a haul down to Blacksburg, but the coaches were great. Beamer walked in and literally said "Okay, what're we doing?" You could feel his schedule, I mean it had mass.
We were in the off-campus bookstore which was filled with freshmen and their parents, as well as returning upper classmen (Tech dudes, by the by: inconsiderate douche bags. The moms are bad too, but the gals and the dads seemed pretty considerate). Anybody with a phone or camera phone took pictures of Beamer and the other coaches and some lame skinny guy who hadn't slept in days looking extra goofy holding a clipboard, stopwatch, and wearing headphones with a 16 foot cord.
The spot should be compelete mid-week, and I'll post a link. Ryan did most of the shooting, I did most of the directing, and I think he'll do the final edit, so we'll see. It's commercials like these I wish we could have multiple versions of the same spot. Ah, collaboration.
I should point out that Al Bloch, the sales exec from ComCast, used to play in a number of bands, including Concrete Blonde. He knows The Posies, who played in Big Star with Alex Chilton. That's like three degrees from Alex Chilton. And one degree from Concrete Blonde.
Lots of fun.
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