Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Love letter to SMG... no Bill Amend... no, Leo Laporte

'Blondie' is crossing over with a bunch of comic strips to celebrate the 75th anniversary of, uh, 'Blondie.' I've been watching it go down with the weekend Post and some random DNRs (local paper) and I couldn't be more disappointed. Not that I expect high art from 'Blondie,' but I expect Mooch from 'Mutts' to talk like Mooch. And he doesn't.

A much better crossover is here http://www.pvponline.com where Kurtz brings in two of my favorite "paper" comics characters from 'Fox Trot.' Seeing this, I have to figure about three dozen people have already looked up Amend's e-mail to let him know about the Jason/Marcus appearance. Surfing around FoxTrot.com I find not only an autographed picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar, but an autogrpahed picture from my new favorite tech guy Leo Laporte. I've already season passed the re-launched 'Call For Help' when it starts next week (on G4 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.), which is more than I've done for SMG lately.

If you have any interest in technology, stuff, and a bunch of smart guys being jackasses, go to www.twit.tv and diggnation.com. My name is Joey, and I'm a tech news addict.

Today: is random.


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