That's what I'm talking about
File under: "more boring TV nonsense."
I was very ho hum about tonight's 24. I haven't slept in awhile, I need to do some other stuff, but I started watching about twenty minutes in, and thanks to Tivo, got two commercial-free hours.
At the end of the first hour, I was very "Hey, that's what I'm taking about. Take that Robocop!" But the last bit of the second hour, the last ten minutes: it ain't even sweeps. That's some damn entertaining scripted single camera TV. Beats the crap out of the other action/drama shows and takes their lunch money to spend on waffles and strippers.
This is why 24 is one of the two shows I actually watch these days.
No pansy bleeding-heart politics, no sentimentality, just gritty, white-knuckle violence, with just enough realism to keep things interesting.
Buckaroo Banzai has made poor life decisions.
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