Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Monday, January 02, 2006

Calling all entries

I am fat and lazy. The past two quarters have been so busy I'm talking about them as quarters and not "the past six months." I've made very little for myself, in terms of "cool stuff."

Therefore, with it being a new year and all, and slightly slower this week, I'm issuing a challenge: give me a vague one-sentence storyline and I'll make a :60 short. It can't be something real specific like "You stalk John Madden and teach him to punt" or real involved like "Find a tow truck that's blue and drive it to Stuckeyville and show them how it's done down South." I'm talking vague like "The World's Saddest Clown" or "Why no one drinks milk."

Something random and short. I'll print out the ideas and choose one at random. And I'll post a link to the deal and you can bask in all my taking your good idea and making it mediocre as I ran out of time and determination, just like "Hollywood."


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Mir said...

doughnuts and porn save the world.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...

"My heart stops beating whenever I laugh."

At 10:59 AM, Blogger sweetassgrandma said...

A 1950s educational-style film on the globalization of REITs and what it means for me.

It's good to be back at work.


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