Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Because Suze Demanded It

We got an e-mail saying:

"Dear Editor-
I'm concerned about the recent content of your blog.
Enough with the cartoons and comics- the people are clamoring and they want
all things Joey. That means- what did Joey do today? What did Joey eat?
Get for Xmas? Yes, one might argue- current entries answer the pivotal
questions: what is Joey digging on? What is Joey reading? - but delve

Oddly enough, I almost kept a food journal of Christmas meals, which included beef, ham, peas, rolls, mashed potatoes, macaroni-and-cheese, and Sbarro pizza. At the time all of these meals were more interesting, usually concerning context and volume.

Christmas gifts breakdown like this:

- money
- gift cards (Books-A-Million, Sheetz, Applebees)
- a shirt
- fourth volume of the Fantagraphics Peanuts collection
- The Art of Sin City (the comic, not the movie)
- Sin City: The All-Tricked Out DVD
- Office Space: The All-Tricked Out DVD
- Ghostbusters I & II: The All-Tricked Out DVD
- a video iPod
- monogrammed towel with wash cloth

All in all, a pretty money Christmas of money.

I know this won't satisfy Susan (but what does, really? Hey, try the veal! Thank you, good night) but it's all I got. So there.


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