Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Routine? Anything but?

Just watched video of that Jet Blue landing, Flight 292. Circling for three hours knowing you had bum landing gear in the front. That's just... wow. C'mon, you KNOW the plane is broken. And you have to circle to lighten your load. For three hours. That's like, the duration of 'Seven Samurai.' That's almost half a typical work day. And you'e just circling.

Obviously it's great the folks onboard were unharmed. Obviously no one wants to be in that situation, especially the crew. But they seem, by most accounts I've read, to have done it completely the right way: confindently, intelligently, and with the best plan.

... I really don't have anything here. I just like it when things that could go to crap work. Jet Blue is definitely a flight option for me. If something's going to go wrong, I want the guys who do it the best they can to be the guys flying. Talk about "customer appreciation."


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...

Errr. Yeah.
When did I hear about this? While I was in midair flying over Nevada on a Delta flight. Something I wish I'd heard about when my feet were safe on the ground...
I'm not paranoid about flying, I do it a lot.

We're all flying to VA in a week.

Our airline? JetBlue.
I'll let you know how the experience goes. Luckily, I think their ground crews will be super-extra-special careful for the next year or so.


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