Top 10 preview OR Waiting for Mr. Good Render
Alright, I'm working on something vacuous and without any real meaning, unless you count your insight into my dull and pedestrian psyche: my Top 10 Favorite TV Shows. MY favorites.
In no particular order, here are the shows that did not make the cut:
- Charlie Rose
- Magnum P.I.
- The Daily Show (with and without Jon Stewart)
- M.A.S.H.
- Veronica Mars
- Cheers
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Lost
- Late Night with Conan O'Brien
- The Twilight Zone (this was barely edged out. Barely)
- 24
- Scrubs
- Gilmore Girls
- Wonderfalls
- 3, 2, 1 Contact
- Batman: The Animated Series
- Firefly (while it was on TV, it was not a favorite. On DVD it's up there, but I'm judging purely on viewing habits while broadcast)
So that's what didn't make it. I may have left some stuff off, but that's what I got. Tune in for the Top 10... soon.
Alright, here's #10: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. I caught a few epsiodes of the abridged first season, caught the re-runs, started season 2 and was in love with the series (you thought I was going to say "Sarah Michelle Gellar" didn't you?).
Take high school, describe the experience as being on a literal mouth to Hell. C'mon! Make it funny, sad, smart, against the grain, and evolving? Kill off main characters? Take chances and fail?
Buffy took cliche and turned it into gold. Witty, adult, often moving, always Emmy-denied, I love Buffy.
Okay, that was #10, you know this is going to get bloody as we get to #1. Bryan knows what it is... that would be telling...
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Boy, I really missed the whole Buffy thing. I've caught episodes here and there, and enjoyed them, but they've been out of sequence. I think I've got the Season 1 Dvds wandering around my Netflix queue. I'll get to them someday before I die.
Then we'll see if I become a SMG junkie.
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