Half a Month There on Foot

You will find me at the corner of Speed and Power

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cinecast confessions

In honor of the name change of Cinecast and their 100th episode, my Top 5 Movies I Haven't Seen But Really Should:

5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
4. Raging Bull
3. Animal House
2. Weird Science
1. Lawrence of Arabia

Not for sure that's the order, but that's kinda my priority for seeing 'em. Yeah, and you know what, you go out and watch Brazil or Seven Samurai before you come bitching to me about Raging Bull or Animal House.

And if you're not listening to Cinecast, give it a try. You like movies, and so do these guys. They're smart, professional, and a lot looser than when they started. C'mon, Sam is the production manager for This American Life and you know they gotta hire people that know what they're doing.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger Cryptobadger said...

I haven't seen your 4,3, or 2, so no biggy.

Close Encounters is fun, with Dreyfuss emoting wildly for two hours.

As for Lawrence, do watch it, but don't force yourself to do it straight through. If any movie is well-suited for an hour-long intermission, it's that one. Don't watch Hidalgo immediately afterward like I did, or you'll dream about endless sand dunes when you sleep.

My top five:
5 Any Kevin Smith movie
4 Pulp Fiction
3 Any Ingmar Bergman film
2 Schindler's List
1 Dr. Strangelove

So, yeah. I've lost all legitimacy with those few words.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Digital Joey said...

Wait, you haven't seen any Bergman? Or Dr. Strangelove? I'd suggest you'd very much like Dr. Strangelove, and any of the big Bergman movies. My favorite is Wild Strawberries.

Pulp Fiction I can really leave (that's right Generation X, I'm not that big a fan) and Schindler's List is worth a look. Kevin Smith is certainly Kevin Smith, I'd probably start you out with Chasing Amy.


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